The Texas Chapter of ASID represents nearly 2,000 members across practitioners, educators, students, and industry representatives across the state, excluding the greater Houston area, which is represented by the ASID Texas Gulf Coast Chapter.
The ASID specializes in residential and commercial fields, from small sole proprietor practices to substantial national firms. Within the state and around the globe, as a consortium, we provide valuable services, products, and guidance to our clients.
By creating aesthetically pleasing, thoughtfully designed spaces for our clients, while considering the vast health, safety and welfare (HSW) concern for all, members of ASID strive every day to improve the quality and comfort of life for all of our client’s and the general public.
As a minimum to membership, all members complete at least 10 hours of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) every couple of years. These educational courses, monitored and approved by the Interior Design Continuing Education Council (IDEC), can cover a wide range of topics dealing with business operations, accounting, drafting software, and communication but also very industry-relevant issues as mandated building codes and regulations, sustainable design practices, indoor air quality concerns, and a plethora of considerations for energy conservation, disabilities, and ages.
Mounting a comprehensive initiative to push the bar of individuals entering and working in the design industry, the ASID not only protects the designers but also the clients who hire them.
**Note: The ASID Texas Chapter is not an interior design firm nor employees interior designers on staff. That said, the hardworking team of the ASID Texas Chapter is not qualified or at liberty to answer questions about specific design projects. That’s what the members are there for silly.**
American Society of Interior Designers | About
Advancing the interior design profession and championing the impact of design on the entire human experience is the core duty of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).
Collaborating with others to increase the appreciation and value of interior design, our members participate and excel in a dynamic and ever-evolving professional industry. As an organization, we collect, generate, and disseminate applied knowledge in a range of niches.
ASID Membership comes in a variety of categories for designers at every stage of their profession, including for students of interior design. Membership and sponsorship opptunities also exist for industry manufacturers and suppliers who support our industry with products and services.
Join ASID’s vibrant community of 25,000+!
ASID also provides professional development and career stage programming through several unique focuses, including Business of Design, Impact of Design, Leadership Development, and Health & Wellness. This is offered in both online and in-person engagement opportunities.
The ASID also provides economic, design, sector, and career stage data research to the marketplace. Over $100,000 is provided in funding annually to various research and scholarship initiatives to continue to build upon the industry and community knowledge for the interior design profession through our Knowledge Management efforts.
One Voice, our legal and public relations team, works at both the state and federal levels to best represent your interests as an interior design professional. The right to practice is our first priority, whether that be through legislation or seal/stamp privileges at the local municipality levels. We also lobby on issues that affect the overall business of interior design for all of our participating business owner members.
Join ASID and our vibrant community of 25,000+ today!